On July 24th I gave birth to our son, Jack Sheldon. At midnight the night before I felt a twinge and I woke up Joel and was like, "I think something is happening." And I went back to sleep. By morning the twinges were coming regularly, but they weren't terrible and I wasn't doubled over or anything. At around 1 pm the following day I was sitting in a hot bath, breathing deeply, and I told Joel to call
Tanya, the hypnotherapist, and the
midwives. I talked to my mom, who was in town for the birth. She was thinking about going to Ikea--I told her to go, of course! I mean, these things take time, right?
The monitrice told Joel to call her back when my contractions were 3 to 4 minutes apart. Very soon after that phone call my contractions were coming fast--1 minute apart. Joel was diligently timing them, waiting for them to be 3 to 4 minutes apart before he called Tanya again. Finally I told Joel to call her, call her! I needed her support. As it turned out, she thought that my contractions would be much slower in progressing to where they were--I had zoomed right over the 3 to 4 minute mark to fast, strong contractions. Jack was on his way.
I called my mom and she came back from Ikea. The birth was beautiful. It took place in our home, with wonderful support and in a relaxing atmosphere. Birth is not painful, I'm serious. It is intense and it takes work but "pain" doesn't really enter the equation at any time. I can't imagine having had my son any other way--he was brought into this world surrounded by people who love him and there were no interventions, no antibiotics, no pain medications to make us groggy and unaware of the present moment. Jack was born at 7:55 pm.
I can't believe that 3 months have passed since that day. I feel like I have always known Jack and that I've always been his mother. Joel is the most natural father; it is a joy to watch him with Jack. They sing together, they practice talking, they cuddle and kiss and it is beautiful. Parenthood is the best thing that has ever happened to us.
Our family. |
Jack Sheldon at 3 weeks. |