January 19, 2012

Six degrees?

OK, so it is supposed to get down to six degrees tonight...today it was a whopping 13 and I got home wanting to get into a vat of soup (basically). So that means...tonight Lev and I are making everything-but-the-kitchen-sink soup! Pearl barley? Why yes. Mushrooms? What would we do without them? Leeks! Carrots! Parsley! And, of course, our friends onion and garlic. 

Last night Lev and I had our first group fitness class. I am so sore I can't even tell you...and Lev just asked me how many pushups I thought he could do, right now. I can tell you this much, 24 hours ago at this time I was SUFFERING. But that's the only way to do it, right?

1 comment:

bonniebee said...

I LOVE homemade soup!!! I won't eat canned if I can at all help it (ie., must be starving!!!)