July 12, 2011


Yesterday a tornado blew through town and knocked out the power in the suburb where I work. This morning I woke up at six and called to see if the power was back on. It sounded like it was--the organization's outgoing message said that the office would be open (and the message ended with the open-ended "today," as in, "Today we'll be open"). I got dressed, hopped on the train, and got off at my stop...and when I got off the train, nobody else did. Normally, 2-3 people from my work get off the train with me. I noticed that the people waiting at the station for trains into Chicago had wet hair--a sign of no blow-dryers, but even more, a sign of no electricity. After calling the office again, the message had been changed--day off! For sure!

To celebrate, I baked this mango-apricot custard-ish tart thing that I used a recipe for and faked (a combination of the two). It goes a little something like this:
Lev's report: "It combines flavors that I wouldn't think go well together, but that are actually delicious." Nuff said!

How to do it:

Make a basic crust--I combined 1 1/4 cups flour with some salt, sugar and 8 tbsp butter. I pressed it into a glass tart pan and stuck that in the freezer while I made the filling (it seemed like the right thing to do).

The filling I kind of took from this article in the New York Times...except Levy's allergic to les cerises...AND I had a heap of apricots and a mango that needed to be eaten. Therefore:
1 cup of Greek yogurt
6 tbsp sugar
3 eggs
1 vanilla bean
3 apricots
1 mango
Cut up the fruit and pull the crust out of the freezer. Fill the tart pan with the fruit. Slit the vanilla bean and push the seeds into a bowl. Mix the other ingredients into the bowl; when you've mixed it all, pour over the fruit that's already in the pan. Put into a preheated 375º oven for 35 mins...take it out and let it cool.

And YUM. I promise. xoxo

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