July 26, 2011

...on granola

So everyone who knows me knows that I'm kind of crunchy, kind of a granola. An extremely uptight granola, but a granola nonetheless. Well, now I make granola. This is my first batch, and I'm figuring out that it is impossible to screw up granola! This was made with flaxseeds, honey, raw sesame seeds, peanut butter, and old fashioned oats. Put it in the oven for a bit to toast and there you go! Lev approves, too.
Speaking of Levy, OMG we are getting married in 12 days! Twelve days! I am so excited! You know who is taking this very much in stride? Lev. He's calm, cool, collected, and happily looking forward to the wedding. I'm those things too--but sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up very much the latter but not at all the former. I mean, I guess "cool" never really described me anyway so why try to fake it? 

Today Lev's wonderful sister sent me scanned photos of him when he was little. I can't even--he is so cute. Augh! This little boy! I just want to hug him and kiss him until he won't let me. Which is what I do to Lev on the daily, anyway. If we have a son he had better love smooches.

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