May 1, 2011

sweetness and light

As of today I'm back on the workout wagon. While Bar Method founder Burr Reynolds is entirely too thrilled to do excruciating, thigh-burningly painful exercises in repetition, her workout is pretty rad and I can definitely tell you that my butt is kicked. Now all I need to do is stick with it! It's like I get this pre-workout anxiety where I can think of a hundred (or just two) things that I would rather be doing other than pull my tank top on, put on my leggings and do it. I know this about myself! I am actively trying to change it.

Lev is playing basketball today after work. I'm stoked that he's playing--he LOVES basketball and it makes him very happy. If he's happy, I'm happy. 

This morning was beautiful. We opened all the windows, the sun was shining into the apartment, and I took some photos. I actually like the photos that I took at the other apartment more than any of the ones I've taken of this apartment, and I'm trying to figure out why. I think photographing small spaces is easier for me. I'm better at focusing on a small detail versus photographically commenting on the openness of space. I guess this means that I'm not a big-picture person, ha ha. I love this apartment so much, and I want to convey how great and light and open it is, but I don't feel like my photos thus far have done the job. Oh well.

Hope everybody is having a peaceful, centered and beautiful Sunday.

1 comment:

eileen said...

Yum,yum ... beautiful apartment, sweetness and light, just as you say. I learned something today: The Method is not the "barre" of the ballet barre, but "bar" as in "belly up to the bar" -- now why'd she do that?