February 16, 2011

our jumps, or, why i'm doing this

Lev and I are getting married this summer, and moving, and getting new jobs, and leaving Chicago, and we just (kinda) got here.

Today I woke up at 5am. At 6am i watched a youtube video of two Welsh Corgis playing tetherball. I made coffee and went to work.

In March (fingers crossed) I'm interviewing for some radical jobs in New York. This is really great but was made really hard by the fact that Lev was called up by Union Pacific two days after I found out I'd be going to NY. Today was meeting number two at Union Pacific. I wanted him to like the job/company, but at the same time i didn't because it would mean that my goals in NY would have to take a backseat while he got things going at UP.

BUT! today at around 10 he called, Union Pacific is not for him--24-hour call and if he was placed in Nowhere, Illinois we'd have to move there. Oh, and he wouldn't get time off to, um, marry me. And because i have the best dude in the whole world, he thought of what would be best for both of us--for him to stick to his old job for now, keep looking for Union Construction gigs here in Chicago, and to work for his friend's company in NY once we move.

And today I'm looking forward to getting these.


eileen said...

Love this. I did have to look up (without success) the meaning of the term "our jumps."

Lizzy Louise said...

oh, i just meant us jumping into things, jumping to chicago, jumping out of our skins!

Lizzy Louise said...

And thanks for commenting!