April 7, 2011


I have this thing where every time I drink a Synergy Trilogy kombucha, I get déjà vu for Portland. I guess I drank a lot of those when I was home. Tastes and smells affect me like that. I finally found a grocery store here that carries it (and the store is called "Whole Foods"--I know! I'd never heard of it either!) and now I'm drinking them enough to sate my thirst but not enough to not get intense living-at-my-dad's-house-for-the-winter recollections.

Oh, yeah, I lived at my dad's house for the winter of '09. And Lev basically did too for the last month that we were living in Portland. I think it was good for me to live like that, in a way; at age 29-going-on-30, I finally-finally realized that I wanted to be successful in life, even if "success" at that point just meant getting the heck out of Portland (again) and getting a job at UIC in Chicago (again).

I just told the "Whole Foods" (have you ever heard of it?) joke to Joel. It was a hit!


Mops Bria said...

a nice little mom and pop store, really "quaint".

Lizzy Louise said...

so quaint.