April 10, 2011

some moving thoughts

Here we are, moving again. I have a history of moving. A lot. Which is funny, considering how much I absolutely despise moving. Like, you know how Native Americans represent time by saying, "many moons ago"? (Or at least how they do that in the movies?) For me it's "many moves ago." That is how I know what year we are talking about. "Remember? You were living in that place on Oakley," or, "It was when you were living on Western." Say 2007 and I don't recall. Say Maplewood, however, and I am with you all the way. I seriously hope that we will be in this next apartment for a long, long time.

My life used to be more portable. I had less stuff and I cared about basically nothing; I'd wait until the very last minute to "pack"--which usually consisted of me throwing stuff into boxes willy-nilly and even more frequently leaving a lot behind. Today I bought boxes and packing materials, and I've spent most of my day carefully packing and labeling boxes--I even discovered that saran wrap works wonders when you want to keep something closed without putting packing tape on it! Who knew I could be this organized? What is crazy is how much longer this process takes versus the old one, which is the point I suppose. Apparently I used to avoid things that took time and work!

Speaking of doing something that took time and was work, today I did the bar method DVD that I bought online. Holy cr@p it kicked my butt! My legs were like jello when it was over. I'm trying to get into good (better?) shape for the wedding, on a diet/eating better, et cetera, et cetera. I'm starting to wish that I'd taken a tip from my mother and chosen black lace for my wedding dress (oh yes she did and she looked amazing). This whole white-from-head-to-toe thing just isn't flattering!

Ok, back to packing. Happy Sunday!


eileen said...

Fact: your white dress is beautiful and you will glow. Black ruffled some feathers but hey, it's my color. I am trying to branch out. Packing sounds like fun. All other things being equal it will make moving day so much less frenzied.

Lizzy Louise said...

i love you mama.