April 6, 2011

stuff n thangs

I spent the day researching copyright permissions. Over and over and over and over.  Now I'm watching Law & Order: SVU and there were two episodes in a row with essentially the same plot: rape, wrong suspect, catch the right suspect, turns out right suspect had GOOD REASON to rape the victim. Oh Law & Order, come on. Either think up a new plot line or get off the air.

Lev and I are counting down the days until we move into our new apartment. We sign the lease next Friday. I've been semi-compulsively checking craigslist for new furniture. Too bad I can't really get anything yet, I mean, what is the point of buying stuff before you move? But when we move in I'm having a blowout.

1 comment:

ann loves pony said...

Hi Lizzy,
I love your blog. It makes me miss Chicago. Looks like you're doing wonderful --so good to read about it. Wishing you the best. p.s. we've switched spots, now I'm back in Portland.