March 20, 2011

expensive cotton

Today after I dropped Lev off at work I went to Target to pick up a bathmat--our tub drains painfully slowly and as a result it can be slick with soap if it isn't freshly washed. I'm not into scrubbing out the tub more than once a week, so that leaves six days where it is dangerously slippery. And I found out firsthand this morning how dangerous that can be when I slipped and fell while taking a shower. Just like those advertisements geared towards the elderly that warn the viewer about slipping in the tub, I totally spazzed and hurt my shoulder.

Solution? Bathmat. At Target. Just a bathmat. Yeah right! What is it about Target that makes you want to spend too much on total crap? I already admitted to Lev that I was attracted to "brightly colored things," and today proved to be no different. I walked in determined to purchase only a bathmat, and I walked out with a cloth decorative shower curtain ($15.99), four brightly colored cotton place mats ($6.99), two bath towels ($4.99 each), a mat for the kitchen sink ($4.99), two cereal bowls ($4.99 each) and, oh yeah, what I came there for--the bathmat. With tax I ended up spending over $60.

As I was hanging the shower curtain I realized that it was basically just a 72"x72" poly-cotton square of fabric. There is an awesome fabric warehouse RIGHT BY MY HOUSE, where I could have picked out a cooler square of fabric for way less money, sewn it myself, and felt a surge of pride every time I went into the bathroom. And that is when I realized that Target is the worst store ever, and that I will probably shop there for the rest of my life.

Oh and happy first day of spring! We made it!
New brightly colored placemats. Note lemons from failed fast
New shower curtain

1 comment:

Molly said...

did the same thing last week. and love the pick on the wall!