March 25, 2011

new digs

Lev and I spent the day driving down back streets on "slow," looking at For Rent signs in apartment windows. We may be moving out of Pilsen--while the rent is unbeatable here, it's very far from my new job and we're thinking north side.

While I hate moving, I do it. Frequently. The prospect of a new apartment is always so attractive to me. I love the idea of being in a place that's like my place, but better. There's always room for improvement, right?

Tomorrow I'm looking at an apartment. I hope it's great and I won't have to keep looking. I also hope that I don't do the Lizzy-looking-at-apartments thing and take the very first thing I see (I've never not done that), and then feel like maybe I should have looked more. Tomorrow it's all on me, too-Lev and I are on totally opposite schedules and so he's going to work while I look at apartments in the Ukrainian Village.

Lev just looked over here and said, "Don't do that thing where you sign a lease without looking at anything else." HE KNOWS.

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