March 29, 2011

grande dame

Ok, I know that I've been posting and posting (and posting) about the new job. But I just love it so much! I'm finally, totally, truly employed as an editor and I'm working with happy, lovely people. It's too much almost.

I talked to my stepfather tonight. He's been a great source of support and inspiration for both me and Lev; he is successful in his own right and the humblest person I've ever known. He pointed out that we are each in charge of our own destiny--realizing what it is that you actually want, however, requires curiosity, drive and follow-through.

For the first time in my life I'm excited feeling secure about my career. I'm looking at the job I have and I can easily picture having it (or some incarnate thereof) in five or ten years. Lev is looking forward to starting school in the fall. It's happening!

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