March 18, 2011

the textual massage

Yesterday after I got home from work Lev was perusing my blog (shock upon shock, I know) and he discovered that I'd included a photo of him in one of my posts. He is not down with having his face up around the Internet and he asked me to take it down. For whatever reason, that sparked an argument where I was making the craziest face that I could possibly think of (I remember thinking to myself, "See red! See red!") and finally Lev gave up and left the house. It is usually around this time of the month (I'm a madwoman for four days a month) that he "leaves the house" because of an argument but he doesn't actually take off, he just goes downstairs and sits in the truck while I send him text messages. These text messages are usually stuff like "I see how it is!" and "Thanks a lot!" which, now that I write them without being angry, seem stupid and immature.

So after about five minutes of this nonsense on my end and no replies from Lev I got tired of it and simultaneously received a message from him: "I love and admire you, please stop acting like this." Ok, argument's over. He wins. Dang.

I'm used to being able to kind of do whatever I want--put anything up on the Internet, say whatever to whoever, and never really have to answer for it. Even though Lev and I have been together for many moons it sometimes takes me a minute to really consider his feelings or opinion when I do something. That may be the secret about marriage--you are spending those years together getting used to each other. In many ways I feel as though I've been with Lev my whole life; I felt as though I'd known him forever the moment I met him. However, there are things about him that are surprising and joyous as well, that I couldn't have known when we met. 

I'm sure that ten or twenty years from now I'll look back and think of this as the time when we were so new. But right now I just feel lucky--lucky to know Lev and even luckier to be spending my life with him.

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