March 4, 2011

...and beyond!

I'm getting totally anxious and worked up about the potential new job. Right this minute they are checking my references and background. I am who I say I am, so I shouldn't be worried, but that doesn't stop me from having a total 100% FREAK OUT every twenty minutes or so. Oh, I'm calm and confident? Wait four minutes. Ding! Time to envision not getting the job, or there being a mix-up at the company that is in charge of the reference check, or there being a mix-up at the courthouse (or where ever they go to do a criminal background check) and suddenly it looks like I've done something terribly wrong...In the words of Cathy, "ACK!"

Right now I'm riding a wave of calm that I hope will last. I'm just trying to envision kinds of dogs I like (lately these have been very appealing, probably due to our friend's awesome puppy) and perhaps some things that would look nice in my apartment. Is this how positive visualization works? Like, (male announcer's voice) "Picture everything you feel positively about," but then (my voice), "AAAAAAAACK!" (Sorry, I had to.)

Lev's birthday is next week and it means favorite cake and favorite things! I hope he is beyond happy on Thursday. Big 33!


eileen said...

It's natural to be a nervous wreck at a time like this but ... it's also good to breeeeathe. They say that the full exhale is important. hmm.
oh and cue the theme from rocky! i love your blog.

Lizzy Louise said...

funny you should say that, because i'm freaking out full-time right now...