March 2, 2011

take tuesday

Yesterday was the Big Interview. It went really well; it would be so great if they were to hire me! Ack! I want it so badly...but, I need to remember that I have other oars in the water, so to speak. I decided at the last minute to wear my glasses (instead of my contacts). To me, the glasses say, "Hire me. I am a competent editor who is comfortable with her intelligence." If I don't get hired, you will know what to blame--should've worn the "hotter" contacts. But seriously. I want this job.

Lev was in a great mood this morning. He was singing and making jokes on the ride to work. He feels my anxiety about this job. I probably won't get it. But it would be so incredibly great if I did! Cross your fingers please. Mine have been crossed since 1:30pm yesterday.

*UPDATE: They called me back! They want me! They are doing a background check and then drafting an offer letter. OH EM GEE!!!!

1 comment:

eileen said...

Life is good! Mistyped "goof." Keyboarding cannot be overrated. Yay for you!!!